Can I Call The Police To Unlock My Car

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Can I Call the Police to Unlock My Car?

Have you ever found yourself in a panic because you locked your keys in your car? It’s a frustrating and often time-sensitive situation, especially if you’re in a hurry or have somewhere important to be. In these moments, it’s understandable to wonder if calling the police would be a viable solution.

While it may seem like a logical step, calling the police to unlock your car is not something they typically do. Law enforcement’s primary responsibility is to protect and serve the community, and unlocking vehicles is not typically considered an emergency service that falls within their scope of duties.

When Can I Call the Police?

In certain circumstances, however, calling the police to unlock your car may be appropriate. For instance, if you’re in a dangerous or isolated area and fear for your safety, you can call the police for assistance. They may be able to help you get into your vehicle if they determine that you’re in immediate danger.

Another exception is if you have a child or pet locked inside your car. In these situations, the police are more likely to respond and take action to ensure the safety and well-being of those inside the vehicle.

What to Do Instead

If you’re not in an emergency situation and simply need to get into your locked car, there are several other options you can consider:

  • Contact a locksmith: This is the most reliable and professional way to unlock your car. Locksmiths have the tools and expertise to open any type of vehicle without damaging it.
  • Use a spare key: If you have a spare key, it’s the easiest and most affordable way to unlock your car. Keep a spare key in a safe place, such as your wallet or with a trusted friend or family member.
  • Try a coat hanger or wire: This method requires some dexterity, but it can be effective for older vehicles with manual locks. You’ll need a wire hanger or a piece of wire that’s long and thin enough to fit through the car’s window.
  • Call your roadside assistance provider: If you have roadside assistance coverage, you can call them to send a technician to unlock your car.

Tips and Expert Advice

Here are some additional tips and expert advice to keep in mind:

  • Always try to have a spare key: It’s worth investing in a spare key and keeping it in a safe place for emergencies.
  • Be careful with DIY methods: Attempting to unlock your car using a wire hanger or other methods can damage the vehicle if not done correctly.
  • Don’t break a window: Breaking a window to get into your car is a last resort and should only be considered in life-threatening situations.
  • Call the police only in emergencies: Remember that the police’s primary responsibility is to protect and serve the community, and unlocking vehicles is not typically considered an emergency.


Q: Can I call the police to unlock my car for any reason?

A: No, the police typically only unlock vehicles in emergency situations, such as when there’s a child or pet locked inside or if you’re in immediate danger.

Q: What should I do if I lock my keys in my car?

A: If you’re not in an emergency, contact a locksmith, use a spare key, try a wire hanger, or call your roadside assistance provider.

Q: Is it illegal to break a window to get into your car?

A: It’s not illegal to break a window to get into your car, but it should only be considered as a last resort if there’s an immediate danger to yourself or others.


While it’s tempting to call the police if you lock your keys in your car, it’s important to know that this is generally not a service they provide. Instead, consider the options listed above and contact the police only in emergency situations. By following these tips, you can ensure the safety and well-being of yourself and your loved ones while finding the most efficient way to unlock your car.

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